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Clash of Clans — Sep 27, 2022

The Impossible Challenge Leaderboads

Hey Chief!

Welcome to the Clash Fest "The Impossible Challenge" Level Leaderboards! This blog post will be updated with the daily top scores and after the Challenge Level event is over, there will be a raffle among the top 100 performers for some sweet Clash prizes.

The winner of the raffle will receive a message to their in-game inbox (envelope icon at top left corner) to notify them about the win and to give instructions for how to claim the prize.

Friday September 23rd

  • #6 Clash Fest Challenge Level: "The Impossible Challenge" by RH BaseBuilding

  • Raffle prize among top 100 performers' leaderboard (highest stars/ fastest time):

    Clash of Clans 10 year Anniversary goodie bag

  • NOTE:

    The winner will receive an in-game message (envelope icon at top left corner of the Home Village) with instructions how to claim their prize

LEADERBOARD September 24th (The Impossible Challenge) - Highest stars/ fastest time

LEADERBOARD September 25th (The Impossible Challenge) - Highest stars/ fastest time

LEADERBOARD September 26th (The Impossible Challenge) - Highest stars/ fastest time

FINAL LEADERBOARD September 27th (The Impossible Challenge) - Highest stars/ fastest time


Clash Fest #6 Challenge "The Impossible Challenge" by RH BaseBuilding winner is 민규! The Clash of Clans 10 year Anniversary goodie bag is on the way!

Thanks to everyone for participating!